Contact Dogwood Kennels
Visit Us
41 Cranberry St
Pepperell, MA 01463-1008
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Pick up & Drop Off
Monday – Friday
8am – 10am or 2pm – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday
8am – 9am
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41 Cranberry St
Pepperell, MA 01463-1008
Monday – Friday
8am – 10am or 2pm – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday
8am – 9am
Email Us
For over 20 years, Tracy has developed a long list of faithful followers who demand the very best for their much-loved pooches – large or small, long-haired or short, playful or shy. She knows the importance of appearance having successfully shown Bernese Mountain Dogs and Giant Schauzers and turns every dog she grooms into a first-class champion.
Tracy’s lifelong dedication to animals is shown through her commitment to veganism and activism and is obvious each and every time she lovingly grooms a dog. When not professionally grooming dogs at Dogwood Kennels, she volunteers at a rabbit rescue and has opened her heart to the three lucky rabbits she has taken home.
A dog person with over 20 years of practical experience, Alicia is an animal behaviorist who understands your needs as well as those of your particular pet. She and Derek are hyper-sensitive to safety and physical well-being concerns that they address when providing canines much needed exercise and socialization (or even a hug or belly rub). You can rest easy knowing Dogwood Kennels will always provide the perfect retreat for your dog or cat and trust this professional pair to maintain the highest standards of compassionate animal care.